


umbrella yarn-913


  • 服务 an app server for hbase
  • 服务类 注册内部的叫法
  • 组件 服务的元素
  • 服务实例 app实例
  • 组件实例(regionserver ,master)
  • endpoints 接入服务的接口比如hbase 的rest thrift等等 ipc port ipcinfoport等等
  • 服务record 实例注册描述
  • rm
  • yarn app
  • am
  • container


- ip 或host静态方式绑定组件实例行不通

  1. yarn实例id变化
  2. 不能注册rest/zkpath/endpoints
  3. 实例存活


  1. A client application looks up a dynamically deployed service instance whose user, service class and instance name is known, e.g.

    "/users/joe/services/hbase/demo1", and retrieves the information needed to connect to the service

  2. A client application looks up a statically deployed Hadoop service

    Example: "/services/hdfs".

  3. An Application Master enumerates all registered component instances, discovers their listed JMX ports, and, inits own web UI, offers links to these endpoints.
  4. A user connects to a private HBase service instance at


  5. A user connects to the cluster’s HBase service at "/services/hbase".
  6. A user looks up the binding information to a remote Hadoop cluster's filesystem at "/net/cluster4/services/hdfs". The registration information includes the webhdfs:// URL for the remote filesystem
  7. A user lists their HBase service instances:

    ls /users/joe/services/hbase

  8. User finds all Hbase services in the cluster:

    find -endpointField.api=org.apache.hbase

  9. Possibly in future: looking up a service via DNS.


  1. 没有yarn
  2. 注册信息要比实例存活长,解耦实例。
  3. 组件发布info
  4. 绑定实例
  5. 组件实例使用注册
  6. 不自动注册


  1. 动态注册 (绑定并发现、绑定不随服务移动而移动或是因为HAfailover)
  2. endpoint多样
  3. 注册服务属性:ha,scale,Ubiquity
  4. 分层命名
  5. 跨语言
  6. 读写控制
  7. 远程读写

  8. Service Record: application. info

  9. persistence attribute policies 0-5
  10. Endpoint
  11. Address Type(path url )


/users/devteam/tomcat/components/container-1408631738011-0001-01-000001 (ephemeral) 

"registrationTime" : 1408638082445,
"id" : "container_1408631738011_0001_01_000001",
"persistence" : "1",
"description" : null,
"external" : [ {
"api" : "www",
"addressType" : "uri",
"protocolType" : "REST",
"addresses" : [ [ "http://rack4server3:43572" ] ]
} ],
"internal" : [ {
"api" : "jmx",
"addressType" : "host/port",
"protocolType" : "JMX",
"addresses" : [ [ "rack4server3", "43573" ] ]
} ]



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Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA in categories 逻辑与现象  slider 使用  tagged with slider  服务  使用