



线程池服务(excutorservice container)大概有四种:队列池服务,role池服务,分支池,callback池。每一种线程池服务都自己创造executorpool,进行线程操作。


上层real pb point调用ayscaction,放入队列执行delayed的run,或其他队列的run() rolelaunchservie和providerservice绑定quece的队列,amcontainerallocated时候运行roleservice的role(),role()用来把startcontainer操作放入立即队列,并开始startcontainer,并由historyserver来 record history。



   * Start the queue processing
  private void startQueueProcessing() {"Queue Processing started");
    executorService.execute(new QueueExecutor(this, actionQueues));

 * The Queue service provides immediate and scheduled queues, as well
 * as an executor thread that moves queued actions from the scheduled
 * queue to the immediate one.
 * <p>
 * This code to be revisited to see if all that was needed is the single scheduled
 * queue, implicitly making actions immediate by giving them an execution
 * time of "now". It would force having a sequence number to all actions, one 
 * which the queue would have to set from its (monotonic, thread-safe) counter
 * on every submission, with a modified comparison operator. This would guarantee
 * that earlier submissions were picked before later ones.


   * Immediate actions.
  public final BlockingDeque<AsyncAction> actionQueue =
      new LinkedBlockingDeque<AsyncAction>();

   * Actions to be scheduled in the future
  public final DelayQueue<AsyncAction> scheduledActions = new DelayQueue<AsyncAction>();

   * Map of renewing actions by name ... this is to allow them to 
   * be cancelled by name
  private final Map<String, RenewingAction<? extends AsyncAction>> renewingActions
      = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, RenewingAction<? extends AsyncAction>>();

   * Create a queue instance with a single thread executor
  public QueueService() {
        ServiceThreadFactory.singleThreadExecutor(NAME, true));

概念二:BlockingDeque 双向阻塞队列

 * A linear collection that supports element insertion and removal at
 * both ends.  The name <i>deque</i> is short for "double ended queue"
 * and is usually pronounced "deck".  Most <tt>Deque</tt>
 * implementations place no fixed limits on the number of elements
 * they may contain, but this interface supports capacity-restricted
 * deques as well as those with no fixed size limit.
 * <p>This interface defines methods to access the elements at both
 * ends of the deque.  Methods are provided to insert, remove, and
 * examine the element.  Each of these methods exists in two forms:
 * one throws an exception if the operation fails, the other returns a
 * special value (either <tt>null</tt> or <tt>false</tt>, depending on
 * the operation).  The latter form of the insert operation is
 * designed specifically for use with capacity-restricted
 * <tt>Deque</tt> implementations; in most implementations, insert
 * operations cannot fail.
 * <p>The twelve methods described above are summarized in the
 * following table:
 * <p>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td></td>
 *    <td ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN = 2> <b>First Element (Head)</b></td>
 *    <td ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN = 2> <b>Last Element (Tail)</b></td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td></td>
 *    <td ALIGN=CENTER><em>Throws exception</em></td>
 *    <td ALIGN=CENTER><em>Special value</em></td>
 *    <td ALIGN=CENTER><em>Throws exception</em></td>
 *    <td ALIGN=CENTER><em>Special value</em></td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td><b>Insert</b></td>
 *    <td>{@link #addFirst addFirst(e)}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #offerFirst offerFirst(e)}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #addLast addLast(e)}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #offerLast offerLast(e)}</td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td><b>Remove</b></td>
 *    <td>{@link #removeFirst removeFirst()}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #pollFirst pollFirst()}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #removeLast removeLast()}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #pollLast pollLast()}</td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td><b>Examine</b></td>
 *    <td>{@link #getFirst getFirst()}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #peekFirst peekFirst()}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #getLast getLast()}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #peekLast peekLast()}</td>
 *  </tr>
 * </table>
 * <p>This interface extends the {@link Queue} interface.  When a deque is
 * used as a queue, FIFO (First-In-First-Out) behavior results.  Elements are
 * added at the end of the deque and removed from the beginning.  The methods
 * inherited from the <tt>Queue</tt> interface are precisely equivalent to
 * <tt>Deque</tt> methods as indicated in the following table:
 * <p>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td ALIGN=CENTER> <b><tt>Queue</tt> Method</b></td>
 *    <td ALIGN=CENTER> <b>Equivalent <tt>Deque</tt> Method</b></td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td>{@link java.util.Queue#add add(e)}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #addLast addLast(e)}</td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td>{@link java.util.Queue#offer offer(e)}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #offerLast offerLast(e)}</td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td>{@link java.util.Queue#remove remove()}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #removeFirst removeFirst()}</td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td>{@link java.util.Queue#poll poll()}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #pollFirst pollFirst()}</td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td>{@link java.util.Queue#element element()}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #getFirst getFirst()}</td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td>{@link java.util.Queue#peek peek()}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #peek peekFirst()}</td>
 *  </tr>
 * </table>
 * <p>Deques can also be used as LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) stacks.  This
 * interface should be used in preference to the legacy {@link Stack} class.
 * When a deque is used as a stack, elements are pushed and popped from the
 * beginning of the deque.  Stack methods are precisely equivalent to
 * <tt>Deque</tt> methods as indicated in the table below:
 * <p>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td ALIGN=CENTER> <b>Stack Method</b></td>
 *    <td ALIGN=CENTER> <b>Equivalent <tt>Deque</tt> Method</b></td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td>{@link #push push(e)}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #addFirst addFirst(e)}</td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td>{@link #pop pop()}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #removeFirst removeFirst()}</td>
 *  </tr>
 *  <tr>
 *    <td>{@link #peek peek()}</td>
 *    <td>{@link #peekFirst peekFirst()}</td>
 *  </tr>
 * </table>
 * <p>Note that the {@link #peek peek} method works equally well when
 * a deque is used as a queue or a stack; in either case, elements are
 * drawn from the beginning of the deque.
 * <p>This interface provides two methods to remove interior
 * elements, {@link #removeFirstOccurrence removeFirstOccurrence} and
 * {@link #removeLastOccurrence removeLastOccurrence}.
 * <p>Unlike the {@link List} interface, this interface does not
 * provide support for indexed access to elements.
 * <p>While <tt>Deque</tt> implementations are not strictly required
 * to prohibit the insertion of null elements, they are strongly
 * encouraged to do so.  Users of any <tt>Deque</tt> implementations
 * that do allow null elements are strongly encouraged <i>not</i> to
 * take advantage of the ability to insert nulls.  This is so because
 * <tt>null</tt> is used as a special return value by various methods
 * to indicated that the deque is empty.
 * <p><tt>Deque</tt> implementations generally do not define
 * element-based versions of the <tt>equals</tt> and <tt>hashCode</tt>
 * methods, but instead inherit the identity-based versions from class
 * <tt>Object</tt>.
 * <p>This interface is a member of the <a
 * href="{@docRoot}/../technotes/guides/collections/index.html"> Java Collections
 * Framework</a>.
 * @author Doug Lea
 * @author Josh Bloch
 * @since  1.6
 * @param <E> the type of elements held in this collection

public interface Deque<E> extends Queue<E> {


  @Override //AMRMClientAsync
  public void onContainersAllocated(List<Container> allocatedContainers) {"onContainersAllocated({})", allocatedContainers.size());
    List<ContainerAssignment> assignments = new ArrayList<ContainerAssignment>();
    List<AbstractRMOperation> operations = new ArrayList<AbstractRMOperation>();

    //app state makes all the decisions
    appState.onContainersAllocated(allocatedContainers, assignments, operations);

    //for each assignment: instantiate that role
    for (ContainerAssignment assignment : assignments) {
      RoleStatus role = assignment.role;
      Container container = assignment.container;
      launchService.launchRole(container, role, getInstanceDefinition());

    //for all the operations, exec them
    executeRMOperations(operations);"Diagnostics: " + getContainerDiagnosticInfo());

概念三: 接口作为参数传递的意义

public RoleLaunchService(QueueAccess queueAccess,
      ProviderService provider,
      SliderFileSystem fs,
      Path generatedConfDirPath,
      Map<String, String> envVars,
      Path launcherTmpDirPath) {
    this.actionQueue = queueAccess;
    this.fs = fs;
    this.generatedConfDirPath = generatedConfDirPath;
    this.launcherTmpDirPath = launcherTmpDirPath;
    this.provider = provider;
    this.envVars = envVars;
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