app state
* The model of all the ongoing state of a Slider AM.
* concurrency rules: any method which begins with <i>build</i>
* is not synchronized and intended to be used during
* initialization.
SliderClusterProtocolPBImpl protobufRelay =
new SliderClusterProtocolPBImpl(this);
BlockingService blockingService = SliderClusterAPI.SliderClusterProtocolPB
int port = getPortToRequest(instanceDefinition);
rpcService =
new WorkflowRpcService("SliderRPC", RpcBinder.createProtobufServer(
new InetSocketAddress("", port),
* A service that calls the supplied callback when it is started -after the
* given delay. It can be configured to stop itself after the callback has
* completed, marking any exception raised as the exception of this service.
* The notifications come in on a callback thread -a thread that is only
* started in this service's <code>start()</code> operation.
* This resembles the YARN CompositeService, except that it
* starts one service after another
* Workflow
* <ol>
* <li>When the <code>WorkflowSequenceService</code> instance is
* initialized, it only initializes itself.</li>
* <li>When the <code>WorkflowSequenceService</code> instance is
* started, it initializes then starts the first of its children.
* If there are no children, it immediately stops.</li>
* <li>When the active child stops, it did not fail, and the parent has not
* stopped -then the next service is initialized and started. If there is no
* remaining child the parent service stops.</li>
* <li>If the active child did fail, the parent service notes the exception
* and stops -effectively propagating up the failure.
* </li>
* </ol>
* New service instances MAY be added to a running instance -but no guarantees
* can be made as to whether or not they will be run.
forkservice 分支工作流服务
* Service wrapper for an external program that is launched and can/will terminate.
* This service is notified when the subprocess terminates, and stops itself
* and converts a non-zero exit code into a failure exception.
* <p>
* Key Features:
* <ol>
* <li>The property {@link #executionTimeout} can be set to set a limit
* on the duration of a process</li>
* <li>Output is streamed to the output logger provided</li>.
* <li>The most recent lines of output are saved to a linked list</li>.
* <li>A synchronous callback, {@link LongLivedProcessLifecycleEvent}, is raised on the start
* and finish of a process.</li>
* </ol>
* Usage:
* <p></p>
* The service can be built in the constructor, {@link #ForkedProcessService(String, Map, List)},
* or have its simple constructor used to instantiate the service, then the
* {@link #build(Map, List)} command used to define the environment variables
* and list of commands to execute. One of these two options MUST be exercised
* before calling the services's {@link #start()} method.
* <p></p>
* The forked process is executed in the service's {@link #serviceStart()} method;
* if still running when the service is stopped, {@link #serviceStop()} will
* attempt to stop it.
* <p></p>
* The service delegates process execution to {@link LongLivedProcess},
* receiving callbacks via the {@link LongLivedProcessLifecycleEvent}.
* When the service receives a callback notifying that the process has completed,
* it calls its {@link #stop()} method. If the error code was non-zero,
* the service is logged as having failed.
queceservice 队列工作流服务
* Service wrapper for an external program that is launched and can/will terminate.
* This service is notified when the subprocess terminates, and stops itself
* and converts a non-zero exit code into a failure exception.
* <p>
* Key Features:
* <ol>
* <li>The property {@link #executionTimeout} can be set to set a limit
* on the duration of a process</li>
* <li>Output is streamed to the output logger provided</li>.
* <li>The most recent lines of output are saved to a linked list</li>.
* <li>A synchronous callback, {@link LongLivedProcessLifecycleEvent}, is raised on the start
* and finish of a process.</li>
* </ol>
* Usage:
* <p></p>
* The service can be built in the constructor, {@link #ForkedProcessService(String, Map, List)},
* or have its simple constructor used to instantiate the service, then the
* {@link #build(Map, List)} command used to define the environment variables
* and list of commands to execute. One of these two options MUST be exercised
* before calling the services's {@link #start()} method.
* <p></p>
* The forked process is executed in the service's {@link #serviceStart()} method;
* if still running when the service is stopped, {@link #serviceStop()} will
* attempt to stop it.
* <p></p>
* The service delegates process execution to {@link LongLivedProcess},
* receiving callbacks via the {@link LongLivedProcessLifecycleEvent}.
* When the service receives a callback notifying that the process has completed,
* it calls its {@link #stop()} method. If the error code was non-zero,
* the service is logged as having failed.
* Execute a long-lived process.
* <p>
* Hadoop's {@link org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell} class assumes it is executing
* a short lived application; this class allows for the process to run for the
* life of the Java process that f
* orked it.
* It is designed to be embedded inside a YARN service, though this is not
* the sole way that it can be used
* <p>
* Key Features:
* <ol>
* <li>Output is streamed to the output logger provided</li>.
* <li>the input stream is closed as soon as the process starts.</li>
* <li>The most recent lines of output are saved to a linked list</li>.
* <li>A synchronous callback, {@link LongLivedProcessLifecycleEvent}, is raised on the start
* and finish of a process.</li>
* </ol>
public interface ProviderService extends ProviderCore,