


mvn clean package -Phbase-app-package -Dpkg.version=0.98.4-hadoop2 -Dpkg.src=/home/ocean/app/oceanslider

python install-package --name HBASE --package /mnt/hgfs/apache_git_src/incubator-slider/app-packages/hbase/target/ --replacepkg --fs ocean00:9000

mvn clean package -Phbase-app-package -Dpkg.version=0.98.4-hadoop2 -Dpkg.src=/home/ocean/app
mvn clean package -Phbase-app-package -Dpkg.version= -Dpkg.src=/home/ocean/app

python install-package --name HBASE --package /home/ocean/app/build/incubator-slider-release-0.60.0/app-packages/hbase/target/ --replacepkg


Use the following command to install HBase tarball locally: mvn install:install-file -Dfile= -DgroupId=org.apache.hbase -DartifactId=hbase -Dversion=0.98.3-hadoop2 -Dclassifier=bin -Dpackaging=tar.gz

You may need to copy the hbase tarball to the following location if the above step doesn't publish the tarball: ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/hbase/hbase/0.98.3-hadoop2/

After HBase tarball is published locally in maven repository, you can use the following command: mvn clean package -DskipTests -Phbase-app-package

App package can be found in app-packages/hbase/target/apache-slider-hbase-${hbase.version}-app-package-${slider.version}.zip

Verify the content using zip -Tv apache-slider-hbase-*.zip

eg: D:>mvn install:install-file -Dfile=hbase-0.98.3-hadoop2-bin.tar.gz -DgroupId=org.apache.hbase -DartifactId=hbase -Dversion=0.98.3-hadoop2 -Dclassifier=bin -Dpa ckaging=tar.gz

D:\apache-slider-0.40.0-incubating-source-release\apache-slider-0.40>mvn clean package -DskipTests -Phbase-app-package

Desired **** OPTION - II (manual) The Slider App Package for HBase can also be created manually.

Download the tarball for HBase: e.g. path to tarball ~/Downloads/hbase-0.98.3-hadoop2-bin.tar.gz

Copy the hbase tarball to package/files cp ~/Downloads/hbase-0.98.3-hadoop2-bin.tar.gz package/files

Edit appConfig.json/metainfo.xml Replace 4 occurrences of "${hbase.version}" with the hbase version values such as "0.98.3-hadoop2" Replace 1 occurrence of "${}" with the desired app package name, e.g. "hbase-v098"

Create a zip package at the root of the package (/app-packages/hbase/) zip -r .

Verify the content using zip -Tv

* Application Needs What it takes to be deployable by Slider.
* Slider AppPackage Overview of how to create an Slider AppPackage.
* Specifications for AppPackage Describes the structure of an AppPackage
* Specifications for Application Definition How to write metainfo.xml?
* Specification of Resources How to write a resource spec for an app?
* Specifications InstanceConfiguration How to write a template config for an app?
* Guidelines for Clients and Client Applications
* Specifications for Configuration Default application configuration
* Specifying Exports How to specify exports for an application?
* Documentation for "General Developer Guidelines"
* Configuring the Slider Chaos Monkey
大山 /
Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA in categories 逻辑与现象  slider 使用  tagged with slider  服务