

指标: manor->major compact.监控 split:hfile太大 不用 put->wal size-> too many logs->regionserver flush.regionserver 停用 blocksize.uplimit. blancer 只要regionserver。 hash均匀。 regionserver flush.




这是配置ganglia输出指标的配置 配上重启就能往组播上吐数据 关于过滤数据: http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/api/org/apache/hadoop/metrics2/package-summary.html#filtering

大量指标过滤复杂支持regex patten。

hadoop source:

public class RegexFilter extends AbstractPatternFilter {

@Override protected Pattern compile(String s) { return Pattern.compile(s); } }


120.5. Most Important Master Metrics
Note: Counts are usually over the last metrics reporting interval.
hbase.master.numRegionServersNumber of live regionservers
hbase.master.numDeadRegionServersNumber of dead regionservers
hbase.master.ritCountThe number of regions in transition
hbase.master.ritCountOverThresholdThe number of regions that have been in transition longer than a threshold time (default: 60 seconds)
hbase.master.ritOldestAgeThe age of the longest region in transition, in milliseconds
120.6. Most Important RegionServer Metrics
Note: Counts are usually over the last metrics reporting interval.
hbase.regionserver.regionCountThe number of regions hosted by the regionserver
hbase.regionserver.storeFileCountThe number of store files on disk currently managed by the regionserver
hbase.regionserver.storeFileSizeAggregate size of the store files on disk
hbase.regionserver.hlogFileCountThe number of write ahead logs not yet archived
hbase.regionserver.totalRequestCountThe total number of requests received
hbase.regionserver.readRequestCountThe number of read requests received
hbase.regionserver.writeRequestCountThe number of write requests received
hbase.regionserver.numOpenConnectionsThe number of open connections at the RPC layer
hbase.regionserver.numActiveHandlerThe number of RPC handlers actively servicing requests
hbase.regionserver.numCallsInGeneralQueueThe number of currently enqueued user requests
hbase.regionserver.numCallsInReplicationQueueThe number of currently enqueued operations received from replication
hbase.regionserver.numCallsInPriorityQueueThe number of currently enqueued priority (internal housekeeping) requests
hbase.regionserver.flushQueueLengthCurrent depth of the memstore flush queue. If increasing, we are falling behind with clearing memstores out to HDFS.
hbase.regionserver.updatesBlockedTimeNumber of milliseconds updates have been blocked so the memstore can be flushed
hbase.regionserver.compactionQueueLengthCurrent depth of the compaction request queue. If increasing, we are falling behind with storefile compaction.
hbase.regionserver.blockCacheHitCountThe number of block cache hits
hbase.regionserver.blockCacheMissCountThe number of block cache misses
hbase.regionserver.blockCacheExpressHitPercentThe percent of the time that requests with the cache turned on hit the cache
hbase.regionserver.percentFilesLocalPercent of store file data that can be read from the local DataNode, 0-100
hbase.regionserver.<op>_<measure>Operation latencies, where <op> is one of Append, Delete, Mutate, Get, Replay, Increment; and where <measure> is one of min, max, mean, median, 75th_percentile, 95th_percentile, 99th_percentile
hbase.regionserver.slow<op>CountThe number of operations we thought were slow, where <op> is one of the list above
hbase.regionserver.GcTimeMillisTime spent in garbage collection, in milliseconds
hbase.regionserver.GcTimeMillisParNewTime spent in garbage collection of the young generation, in milliseconds
hbase.regionserver.GcTimeMillisConcurrentMarkSweepTime spent in garbage collection of the old generation, in milliseconds
hbase.regionserver.authenticationSuccessesNumber of client connections where authentication succeeded
hbase.regionserver.authenticationFailuresNumber of client connection authentication failures
Count of writes submitted with a flag indicating they should bypass the write ahead log
大山 /
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